Friday, January 01, 2010


Hello 2010!

We welcomed the new year with a morning hike to Butterfly Creek with the same friends we picnicked with last night.

hiking through the bush

Amelia was a rockstar tramper, walking all the way in and halfway out without a single complaint. The other two kiddos impressed us too by walking a large chunk of the way in and a little bit of the way back.

hiking mosaic

Going at a slow pace, it's about a two-hour return hike. I think it took us six. No, seriously I'm not sure how long it took us, I didn't have a watch, but suffice it to say, we did a lot of exploring along the way.

Despite our naysaying, I think they were propelled forward by the visions of thousands of butterflies that seemed to be dancing in their heads. We're not sure why it's called Butterfly Creek, but oddly enough, we're almost certain that it has nothing to do with butterflies. We had a hard time convincing two-year-olds of that though.

No worries, the bright red dragonflies did not disappoint, especially when they landed on your hand when you held it perfectly still in a ray of light. The kids, and grown ups too, for that matter, were filled with wonder.

dragonfly mosaic

We had morning tea in the shade by the creek. Then the three amigos spent ages throwing stones into the water while Priya and I gasped repeatedly at their close calls with the edge.

three amigos

It really was the perfect start to the year.

me and the kiddo

I think it should become a New Years Day tradition.



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