Sunday, October 03, 2010

taking advantage of the fine weather

Yesterday was such a fun family day...the Botanic Gardens for most of the day, followed by a quick rest, dinner at the local pub, and chocolate from the dairy. From start to finish Quincy was nothing but pleasant. Just a real good day.

It was the tail end of the Spring Festival at the Botanic Gardens and they were holding the national tree climbing competition. Never knew there was such a thing. There were several different events based on speed, strength, and agility.

tree climbing sign

Those climbers were seriously skilled and pretty cool to watch.

tree climbing mosaic

They had tree climbing for kids too. Initially Quincy observed carefully, but then at the end of the day as we were leaving the park, he surprised us by giving it a go.

learning to cimb mosaic

Mt. Everest, here he comes.

Earlier in the week, Quincy and I went with some friends and saw the tulips. Glad we did, because they were a bit sad by yesterday. I don't think they appreciated the 160 mm of rain the other day.

me and my boy

Naturally, Quincy had to introduce Papa to the ducklings we discovered last time.

seven ducklings

We paid a visit to the conservatory too, where the tapoles and lily pads were a big hit. Actually, I'm not really sure if they were tadpoles, but we'll just say they were.

Botanic Gardens Mosaic

Jeremy was keen to head to the top and have a look at the weather station and the planetarium, so up we climbed. And climbed.


The boy couldn't get enough of "the big gun," which incidentally is pointed pretty much straight at our house.

Then a picnic lunch, a long play on the very cool and very crowded playground, and a quick stop to feed the overfed ducks.

As we headed down, our animal lover took us on safari through Africa, Australia, and South America where we came across crocodiles, leopard tortoises, black mamba snakes, monitor lizards, wombats, platypuses, echidnas, tiger snakes, and emerald tree snakes.

What an adventure.

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Anonymous Sarah said...

Fabulous photos and a lovely read, what an amazing day you had! We've been soaking up the gorgeous weather in Welly too this weekend. I really wanted to see the tree climbing but we were tied up with two different Birthday parties - geez the social life of children hey!! Have a great week and might see you around Welly!

Sun Oct 03, 09:52:00 pm NZDT  

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