Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Polly put the kettle on

and we'll all have tea.

We finally joined the modern age in NZ and got a kettle. No, it doesn't whistle. It's electric. For real. Correct me if I'm wrong, but these do not exist in the US. I swear.

Ollie asked, "So what do you use?"

My response: "Just a normal one that whistles."

"But that's for camping," she snorted.

She also admitted to secretly mocking me when she saw our whistler the first time she came to my house. Well, I inadvertently burned that one dry about a month ago. (I dare not tell the locals that I've been boiling water in a pot all this time.) I just couldn't hear the whistle growing fainter and fainter as I worked away in my office. (I can't hear the phone in here either, for that matter. We really need to take a giant leap out of the dark telecommunication ages as well. The irony, given Jeremy's line of work.)

So back to the kettle thing. Yah, it's a staple here. You just have one, without question. It might be mandatory. We may have been breaking some sort of national law by holding on to our whistler this long. The funny thing is that some people elsewhere in the world assume that little old NZ is a bit backward. I wonder if those people still have whistlers.

Well, it's a brisk fall evening and I'm gonna go have myself a cup of tea. The water will probably come to the boil before I choose my flavor. The luxury.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tina...LOVE the site...didn't know such a thing existed. Not too surprising given that I still require assistance when making and receiving cell phone calls...yeah anyone that knows me would not be at all surprised...welcome to the 21st century! I will show mom and dad next time they visit.
As far as the tea kettle thing...I am quite proud of the one I got for Christmas...whistle and all. However, I will keep an open mind to the electric kind??? I will be looking at it closely when we visit. BTW I plan to forward you our itenaries...hopefully today. We are so excited. The time is creeping up on us quickly...we are so involved in school and work May will be here before we know it!!! rosey

Thu Mar 16, 03:02:00 am NZDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is such an awesome site! It's great to see pictures of you and Jeremy and, of course, the dogs! I will have to look at it more closely and try and figure out how to set up my own, so maybe ill have my own site sometime soon! Anyway i cannot believe how quickly may is coming and how exstatic i am to be spending so much time in NZ with the Buckley fam!! LYMYMI!! Katie

Thu Mar 16, 05:41:00 am NZDT  
Blogger Christina said...

Rosey, I'm cracking up. Maybe you better master the alarm clock before you dabble in electric kettles and blogs for that matter! I'm impressed that you were my first "comment-leaver!" That would be cool if you could show it to mom and dad. Can't wait til May! KT, just go to and sign up. It's totally free and you can decide how public you want it to be--you can require a password to read it. Also you can just choose a design from several templates. Have fun!

Thu Mar 16, 09:41:00 am NZDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nana you crack up bigtime. I still cannot believe that big giant America is full of whistling kettles!!!!! Well it was one of the things I loved about you (and yes I secretly MOCKED you.....yet again) so now I'll just have to be sure to bring my own milk to your house for a milo with your new Kiwi kettle.

Sat Mar 18, 01:42:00 pm NZDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Nana I have been doing some research and I think I believe you that everyone in the States has 'camping' kettles. I just watched 2 American shows on TV and they both used them. Guess it's just another thing to add to my page about what the American's have taught me over the last 8 months(even though you have just taken another step to becoming a Kiwi :-)

Sat Mar 18, 11:38:00 pm NZDT  
Blogger Christina said...

Ollie, you made me laugh out loud. I'm glad you believe me now. And I'm guessing you were referring to the OC--what was up with Kirsten putting on that enormous oven mitt to pick up the "camping" kettle and pour a cup o' tea?????????

Sun Mar 19, 08:43:00 am NZST  

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