Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween 08 Recap

H08: pumpkin

When you celebrate Halloween in the spring, a makeshift pumpkin patch has to do.

H08: makeshift pumpkin patch

Making a break for it, only to realize mama had cunningly moved the chairs...

H08: escape from the patch

I won't win any Mother of the Year awards by feeding him a Reeses for breakfast, but, hey, it's Halloween and I was in photographer mode. It was his first one and he loved it. My patriotic side was thrilled. His mouth was still full when he got another and said, "more."

H08: first Reeses Cup H08: Reeses for breakfast 'H08:

He was loving his costume. Especially the hat.

H08: crawlin' along

On Halloween afternoon, something I hope becomes a tradition, we baked cookies. It was the first time he got to sit on the bar stool and he stayed up there quite contedly for ages. It must have made him feel pretty big. He is into matching things at the moment, so the fact that there were real pumpkins and cookies shaped like pumpkins made him very happy. I must say they were "I can easily eat nine in two minutes" delicious. He had one. And that was enough. Then he just wanted to read and eat peas. Oh, I can't remember what that tantrum was about, but it lasted all of 7.5 seconds, and then he was once again all smiles.

H08: Baking Cookies Mosaic

We went trick-or-treating in the Village. We went early and only saw a handful of trick-or-treaters out. We pulled over when we saw a really decked out house. Quincy was intrigued by the decorations and was really happy because he thought we were going there to play soccer. The kids had great costumes and were very friendly. We definitely chose the right house. We figured he got to experience it and that was enough for this year. So we ended up starting and finishing at the same house!

H08: trick or treating 1 H08: trick or treating 2 H08: look, they gave me somethin'

Then an impromptu pizza picnic on the beach. We couldn't let the gorgeous night go to waste.

H08: pizza on the beach

Later at home the neighbours and some of their cousins and friends came over to trick-or-treat and visit Quincy. A nice ending to a fun Halloween.

Oh wait there's more.

You definitely can't forget to brush after all that chocolate. And apparantly when you're very tired, you want to keep brushing your teeth forever or else a tantrum may ensue.

H08: don't forget to brush H08: a tantrum to close off the night

And finally, his loot. Seeing as how we only went to one house, the bulk of the goods are courtesy of mama + papa. And to prove that not everyone here gets it... The two dollars came from a friend of Jeremy's from the ferry. We ran into him on the footpath and he thought we were out delivering candy, so he gave Q $2 for a Crunchie Bar to bring his three-year-old son.

H08: his loot

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Blogger Penny said...

Can I have Reeses for brekkie too?

Wed Nov 05, 10:29:00 am NZDT  

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