Friday, May 29, 2009

another birthday celebration

antenatal kids: two years old

This morning we had a birthday celebration with my antenatal group. We have a small group...just five families. One of the other mums organized it all, and despite our protests, paid for it all too. Very generous. Just the mums and tots. It was held at a child-friendly cafe that has a great play area, a couple private party rooms, and a story-telling Wonderland. We each brought a $10 gift and did a lucky dip. Q's favorite parts were seeing his friends, eating marshmallows, and riding the bouncy horse. Inside the Wonderland, he was fascinated by the parrot, the teddy bear picnic, and the rocking chair that Goldilocks broke.

mosaic: antenatal birthday party

I think we can officially call Q's birthday over until next year! Next up, the Queen, followed by Jeremy.

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