Thursday, January 11, 2007

sunshine & responsibility

First of all, it is actually hot today. It's sunny & hot. Even when the sun goes behind a cloud, it's still hot. I'm sweating, actually sweating. If you had just experienced 6 months of windy, rainy, winter weather, you would savor the sweat too. Trust me.

I love this photo of the dogs. They are enjoying some of their favorite things:

each other

sun bathing puppies
Some of you may remember my story about Kai crossing the motorway and nearly getting hit.
Tragically someone I know lost her Beagle, Shiloh, on Monday at about the same spot. Same story, except at the point when we were incredibly lucky, he was sadly hit by an SUV that never slowed down. He died in her arms. Again it was a split second thing. She is even a dog trainer, and Shiloh was a very well-mannered dog. In fact, he competed in obedience and agility.
So a harsh reminder that even the most well-trained dogs can be unpredictable. Caring for our four-legged friends is such a big resposibility. Keeping them safe, happy, and fit is not always an easy task.
It makes me wonder why there are so many Woof Woof Ruffs (seriously, that's what the Wellington City Council calls dog exercise areas) right by the road and why I can't think of a single fenced in dog area in the whole city. So frustrating.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woof woof Ruff, wow wat a weird area for an excercise area. i feel so bad for the owner of shiloh!! LYMYMI, Isabel

Fri Jan 12, 10:33:00 am NZDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*name i mean, not area

Mon Jan 15, 11:51:00 am NZDT  

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