Wednesday, February 10, 2010

an overdose of dog: a photostory

What have the resident beagles been up to this summer?

Catching up on some light reading,

buried in books

and playing boardgames.

dog with skills

Dealing with a two-and-a-half-year-old human

squashed dog

and his occasional rough love.

smothered dogs

But at the same time,

big cuddle after 7 weeks apart

revelling in the companionship of said two-and-a-half-year-old.


Receiving some parental affection of the more predictable variety.

affection from papa

Lurking, stalking,

stalking our dinner

and ready to pounce at mealtimes.

ready to pounce

Taking walks with the fam.


Lying in the sun


and then finding places to cool off,

cooling off

but preferrably not in the pool.

jumping to dry land

Running on the beach

running on the beach

and getting wet + dirty.

wet dog. shaky shake.

Getting into trouble


and going to time out. Should the punishment be based on the human or canine clock?

canine time out

And waiting.

waiting alone

Lots and

waiting together

lots of waiting.

head rest

So, yep, they're around. They're always around.

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Blogger stefanie said...

the dog's timeout is in my shower? haha. love this page!

Thu Feb 11, 10:50:00 am NZDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every picture is adorable! I love it!

Sun Feb 14, 01:58:00 pm NZDT  

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