Wednesday, July 12, 2006

blog slacker

I think I can officially add "blog slacker" to my list of qualities. I started off so strong and now my posts have become few and far between. I've always struggled with keeing a journal, but I still have hope that the blog thing is going to work for me.


Some exciting things have been happening in my world, some I can share and some I cannot yet.
  1. We had such a fantastic time when my sister and her family visited in May/June. We got to share in the everyday (something I really miss living so far away) as well as enjoy some of the many NZ touristy things. We made so many memories in that month. I'll never forget it. Eventually I'll get around to posting some of the 2,711 photos (seriously) that the seven of us took during the visit. It was a very tearful good bye.
  2. I can't believe how much I am enjoying Stefanie's 10-week stay with us. Of course, I was really looking forward to it, but you never know how having another person living in your house will work out. You have your routine and you grow set in your ways, so I think it's natural to have a few reservations. In this case, those were definitely not necessary. It's so comfortable. For all of us. Dogs included. The laughter and singing (seriously) just doesn't stop. And I don't think it would be possible for us to drink any more tea. Jeremy is enjoying having her smiling face around too. We'll be sad to see her go at the end of August.
  3. I am well-entrenched in Crafting Connection 2006. I am so honored to be teaching alongside Ali Edwards, Cathy Zielske, and Donna Downey. (Some scrapbooking big-wigs, for those not in the know. :) It all happens in about a month. I am busy getting my official samples made, directions written, and presentations created. Fun fun, but lots of work. Thousands of kits were packed, quite a few Hell's Pizzas were consumed, and lots of laughs were shared at KiwiScraps over the last few weeks. And get this, there are 400kgs of goods shipping to Aussie!
  4. I OFFICIALLY HAVE A COMPANY! My name is Greener Pastures Design Limited. I got my first mail addressed to Greener Pastures. Okay, so it was only a letter from a bank to try to get me to open up an account with them. Exciting nonetheless.

So there you have it. A bit of an update.


Blogger Raewyn aka whinney said...

I can't wait to hear/see your surprise for CC2006. Please keep blogging, I love stalking your blog for updates.

Raewyn (Hawkes Bay)
aka whinney

Thu Jul 13, 04:05:00 pm NZST  
Blogger Christina said...

Thanks, Raewyn. Make sure to introduce yourself at CC.

Keep stalking!

Thu Jul 13, 06:14:00 pm NZST  

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