Wednesday, April 18, 2007

fall from grace

All too often being pregnant is a far-from-graceful exercise...

fall 2

While walking with the fam on the beach, I fell flat on my bum. Nice. Graceful. And the tide was coming in slightly quicker than I could get me and my 34-week belly vertical.

In the last couple of weeks I have well and truly popped. And apparently my center of gravity has been seriously altered too.

fall 1

Now for a bit of puppy photo love...

First, Kai releasing a bit of doggy tension with a yawn that looks frighteningly like a scream...


Next, Kai all relaxed and giving her best wrinkly teddy bear impression...


It's hard to believe these shots are of the same dog. Or species, for that matter. Kai's an expressive one, I tell ya.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

sorry...time out for a little self promotion

Just noticed that an interview I had done a while back with the Australian magazine Scrapbooking Memories is this week's 5-Minute Scrap Chat on their website...

Scrapbooking Memories

Scroll down and click on the 5-Minute Scrap Chat to get to the interview. If it's after this week, it'll be in the archives a bit further down the page.

Alright enough of that!

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

please step away from the chocolate

Note to self: It's not a good idea to leave a pregnant woman alone with an Easter basket full of chocolate.

Easter 2007 Mosaic

We had a very nice laidback Easter. Not a cloud in the sky and it was over 30C on the balcony. Not unusual given the last couple months, but a rare weather treat for Easter.

After church, Jeremy made a yummy brunch. Then a basket search for the humans and a pigs' ear search for the canines. Later, a kibble hunt for the pups.

After a low key afternoon, Jeremy suggested fish 'n chips on the beach with the dogs for dinner. Not your typical Easter supper, but a very pleasant way to end a chill day.

And, wow, what a gorgeous sunset.

Oh yah, and Kai chased her first rabbit. Fitting. It was getting dark, so we were really lucky she didn't put her little Beagle heart into the chase.


Thursday, April 05, 2007

the things doctors can get away with

Just returned from our 32-week doctor's appointment and although the gender remains a mystery, I have learned more than I bargained for.

As the doctor was wrapping up the appointment, he started staring at my feet and asked what size they are. When I said size 10, he replied, "as in adult size 10."

Um, yah. (I know for a fact this is not abnormal because there are never any good shoes left for me on sale racks. Plus my size Crocs are always sold out. Besides, I did just round up, as they really are 9.5.)

He then asked to see my feet. Seriously. I mean honestly, Jeremy was sitting right there.

When I slipped them out of my shoes, he remarked, "Huh. I guess they're just really long."

My response... "Yes, in fact, some of my toes are the same size as my pinky finger." And I even felt the need to prove it to him.

"Ahhh, yes, finger toes," he answered knowingly. "I can pick things up with mine."

Jeremy then chimed in with, "But she can solve the Rubik's Cube with hers."

He looked impressed.

So, in a nutshell, I went to the appointment expecting to learn the gender, but I left instead with the following very useful information:

  1. My doctor can pick things up with his toes.
  2. He's a bit gullible.
  3. He has a foot fetish.
  4. And he isn't afraid to go public with it.

The things doctors can get away with. :)

Remind me to wear socks and slippers during labor. I wouldn't want him getting distracted.


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

is knowledge always power?

We had our hospital tour last night and boy did everything suddenly become really real and a touch scary. Not to say I can't wait to meet the little one and start this incredible journey, but...

With visions of forceps and epidural needles dancing through my head, I didn't sleep much last night!
