Tuesday, April 08, 2008

no fears, knowing no strangers & squandered naptime

Okay, it's official, Quincy is no longer scared of the vacuum, which means he no longer has any fears. At all. And I no longer have an excuse for dirty floors.
vacuum 1 vacuum 2
Now he can help me vacuum. That should make the job go much quicker.

Yesterday at storytime, two other mums made comments to the effect of, "Wow, he really isn't scared of anyone, is he?" This was after he
  1. crawled about an inch away from two two-year-old best mates and just sat there staring at them wanting to play.
  2. crawled across the room over to another mom and just hung out with her for awhile.
  3. climbed up on Sabine (our very tolerant German librarian) while she was reading to the bubs and just stood there, one hand on her breast (much to my embarrassment) and one hand examining her paua necklace.

Two weeks ago, a shopkeeper asked to hold him and he went straight to her and gave her a nice cuddle.

So, no, he definitely knows no stranger. He gets that from his Poppa (Jeremy's dad) for sure.

Oh man, the little social butterfly is making noises, and apart from doing a a bit of laundry and getting showered, I have squandered the oh-so-precious naptime playing with photos. I was meant to be cleaning the kitchen, prepping a chicken casserole, and baking banana muffins for afternoon tea tomorrow. Maybe I can just manage to get the dishes put away...

eta: He very thoughtfully babbled away for 30 minutes allowing me to make some headway in the kitchen, before he had enough of being ignored that is.

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