Today was Quincy's 3-month well-check with the Plunket nurse. He is 6.31kg and 60.5cm which makes him very average. I was shocked, he seems pretty big to me, but then he is still wearing 0-3 clothes (although a bit snuggly), so I guess it makes sense. Then we headed across town for his 12-week vaccinations (due to a major GP shortage the local offices are chocker full). This time was better than last time since he is able to focus on me and is distractable. He just whimpered and pouted for the first jab. For the second two he howled, but immediately calmed down as soon as I fed him. And then he was happy as. Like it never happened. Nothing like a little comfort suckling to bring out a big old smile. He's been in good spirits all day, but his cheeks just got awfully rosey, so I might just go check his temp. (ETA: No fever, but grizzly and flushed Thursday afternoon and evening. Even when he doesn't feel so hot, he still manages to smile. But it was a very fine line between smiling and wailing Thursday evening before bed. Friday morning and all was back to normal.)
This afternoon we had the best 30-minute conversation. Full of oohs, ahhs, and coos. His sweet noises warms my heart big time. I love how concentrated he is on my expressions and noises and how hard he tries to mimic them. My tongue rolling threw him for a major loop though. He just couldn't work it out. He settled on just poking his tongue out ever so slightly. I can't think of a more rewarding way to spend 30 minutes.
Two evenings ago I got the first two syllables of a laugh. It took a little zerbert action and a few nose beeps. He is working so hard to get the sounds out and coordinate them with his string of smiles. (ETA: Jeremy heard it for the first time after work Thursday. He got very excited. It's so rewarding seeing him grow into the role of father. Now that Quincy is more interactive and less dependant on me for EVERYTHING, Jeremy is able to bond with him more.)
Last night some more dream laughter but it was tame compared to last time. So we're still looking forward to the real thing.
And then there are his coughs. For the last two days his string of coughs culminates in the funniest "ahhhhh single shudder sigh". That's the only way I can describe it. I don't ever want to forget it. I can't wait to get a movie camera, so I can capture noises like these.
I totally love baby noises. (Well, apart from the cries, that is.) And I really love the stage we're in now. Now if I could figure out how to stop time long enough to really treasure each stage.
Labels: Quincy