Monday, August 20, 2007

distracted by my view

I'm trying to tackle a to do list that seems to grow faster than I can tick things off. But then who can blame me when I keep getting distracted by my view...

lolly shirt mosaic

So Quincy turned 3 months yesterday and as expected I took a good number of shots over the weekend. Go figure! When I have a chance to play around with them and upload them I will fill in some gaps. There have been some major developments in young Q-bert's life over the weekend. No, sleeping through the night was sadly not one of them. Not even close!


Thursday, August 16, 2007

maternal tardiness

I've just worked out why I can't make it anywhere in time. Just when I think we have all our ducks in a row and are good to go, he wants another feed. It takes us that long to get ready! I always forget to factor that into the equation.

Actually it's so much better now than in the beginning. We're getting quicker all the time.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

baby noises

snuggle buddies yet another pic of Q

Today was Quincy's 3-month well-check with the Plunket nurse. He is 6.31kg and 60.5cm which makes him very average. I was shocked, he seems pretty big to me, but then he is still wearing 0-3 clothes (although a bit snuggly), so I guess it makes sense. Then we headed across town for his 12-week vaccinations (due to a major GP shortage the local offices are chocker full). This time was better than last time since he is able to focus on me and is distractable. He just whimpered and pouted for the first jab. For the second two he howled, but immediately calmed down as soon as I fed him. And then he was happy as. Like it never happened. Nothing like a little comfort suckling to bring out a big old smile. He's been in good spirits all day, but his cheeks just got awfully rosey, so I might just go check his temp. (ETA: No fever, but grizzly and flushed Thursday afternoon and evening. Even when he doesn't feel so hot, he still manages to smile. But it was a very fine line between smiling and wailing Thursday evening before bed. Friday morning and all was back to normal.)

This afternoon we had the best 30-minute conversation. Full of oohs, ahhs, and coos. His sweet noises warms my heart big time. I love how concentrated he is on my expressions and noises and how hard he tries to mimic them. My tongue rolling threw him for a major loop though. He just couldn't work it out. He settled on just poking his tongue out ever so slightly. I can't think of a more rewarding way to spend 30 minutes.

Two evenings ago I got the first two syllables of a laugh. It took a little zerbert action and a few nose beeps. He is working so hard to get the sounds out and coordinate them with his string of smiles. (ETA: Jeremy heard it for the first time after work Thursday. He got very excited. It's so rewarding seeing him grow into the role of father. Now that Quincy is more interactive and less dependant on me for EVERYTHING, Jeremy is able to bond with him more.)

Last night some more dream laughter but it was tame compared to last time. So we're still looking forward to the real thing.

And then there are his coughs. For the last two days his string of coughs culminates in the funniest "ahhhhh single shudder sigh". That's the only way I can describe it. I don't ever want to forget it. I can't wait to get a movie camera, so I can capture noises like these.

I totally love baby noises. (Well, apart from the cries, that is.) And I really love the stage we're in now. Now if I could figure out how to stop time long enough to really treasure each stage.


Saturday, August 11, 2007


I've been a bit slack in the blog department, so I'm working on filling in some big gaps from the last month, so if you've got time to kill, feel free to scroll on down. Also, in case you are interested, I uploaded an obscene number of Q-photos to Flickr last night.

12 weeks old

and 24 inches tall. That's 2 scrapbook pages, in case you were wondering.

24in & 11.5wks


what's so funny?

Last night Quincy was in hysterics--the chuckle from the other day seriously magnified. It was 2:22am. I was frustrated, congested, and awake. He was far away in dreamland. Good thing for the cold or I would have missed it. Watching him made me think...

(1) What could a 12-week-old baby possibly be dreaming about to cause such laughter?
(2) I can't wait to see those giggles when he isn't fast asleep.

Bring on the giggles Q-Bert...

sweetheart (BW)


Thursday, August 09, 2007


We've all got colds this week. Quincy's first. His coughs are so pitiful, but he doesn't seem fussed. He usually ends a string of about 10 coughs with a smile.


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

saturday marks 12 weeks

And wow what a difference 2 months make...
little guy 11.5 weeks

It's hard to believe how quickly infants change and develop new skills. It's so fun watching him get more alert and progress through the stages, but part of me misses those early sleepy tiny newborn days.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007


7 loads today. Good thing laundry is my favorite chore. Thank goodness for all the sunny, warm winter days. But more importantly, where would I be without the two clotheslines my dad put up?

nappies on the line


Monday, August 06, 2007

3hr 42min 26sec

That's precisely how long I talked on the phone to my sister today. We don't talk often, but when we do, we don't mess around. A very nice way to spend an (entire) afternoon. :)


During the conversation, Quincy just chilled with me in the rocking chair, had two feeds, two naps, a little playtime, and a good chuckle in his sleep. A little glimpse of what's to come...

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Saturday, August 04, 2007

a boy and his dogs

We get asked a lot how the dogs are coping with their new sibling. I think these photos speak for themselves...

Pups & Bub Mosaic (3-11wks)

And here is my favorite...

pups & bub @ 8wks 1

We've been very lucky with how well the dogs have accepted the new vertical in the house. (Well, I guess he's not quite vertical yet.) However, having the dogs makes a lot of things more difficult. The challenges include fitting in walks, simply fitting us all in the car, all the dog hair on the baby blankets, not having a big enough lap in the evenings, barking while Q sleeps, Berkley's obsession with licking Quincy, and feeling guilty for not paying as much attention to the dogs now.

That said, I wouldn't trade them for anything. They are my fur babies. I can't wait until Q is able to interact with them.

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

sleep, glorious sleep

Our infamous cat napper pulled off a 6-hour stretch this week. Wohoo! He normally goes 4 or 5 hours starting at 9:30, followed by a 3-hour stretch, capped off by two 2-hour stretches.

As you can see, he definitely likes to sleep...

Sleepy Mosaic
