Friday, June 20, 2008

operation freedom

Pretty self explanatory really.

Operation Freedom

I do it rarely, so Q-bert seemed confused when I locked "Ba" + "Dai" in jail today while we were having a snack. He really wanted them to come out and play. He was trying very hard to get that door open. He never succeeded but he didn't get frustrated as he sometimes does when he can't get something "right".

On the subject of these three, Quincy loves to share with the dogs. He brings random toys and puts them in jail for them and tries to hand them tennis balls. Usually they aren't especially interested in what he has to offer though. Unless it's food, of course. Berkley sometimes plays along but I think it's out of sympathy. At least until Q can throw further than 6 inches and play tug-o-war without letting go. Then it'll be a different story for sure.

sharing with the dogs

If I had to guess what was going on in Q's head here it would be this... Well, if I can't break them free, I'm going to at least bring them this cool toy.

I love how these three co-exist.

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