glasses & other current obsessions
Quincy is fourteen months, one week, and four days old. He weighs 11.98 kilos. He is 81 cm tall. He has had a cold for nearly three weeks. He falls asleep to Baby Einstein Lullabies at around 7. He sleeps in his Go Go Bag with two or three pacifiers and his snuggle lion. He usually still takes two naps a day, but he sometimes doesn't fall asleep for one of them. He eats with us except on Tuesdays when Jeremy works late.
He thinks crawling is beneath him. He has stood up a few times in the middle of the room, so is needing to crawl even less now. He laughs a lot. He is ticklish. He has a pretty long attention span. He likes to share. Sometimes. He loves people. And animals. When he is sick and/or tired he gets easily frustrated. He gives great kisses. He is cuddly. He is a chatterbox.
And he is totally and completely obsessed with our glasses.
Seriously into them.
His other current obsessions (not all of which are encouraged) include:
He thinks crawling is beneath him. He has stood up a few times in the middle of the room, so is needing to crawl even less now. He laughs a lot. He is ticklish. He has a pretty long attention span. He likes to share. Sometimes. He loves people. And animals. When he is sick and/or tired he gets easily frustrated. He gives great kisses. He is cuddly. He is a chatterbox.
And he is totally and completely obsessed with our glasses.
Seriously into them.
His other current obsessions (not all of which are encouraged) include:
- the ugly green chair in the kitchen that has never found a proper place in our house until now,
- climbing on and off of said chair,
- walking 24/7,
- pacing the kitchen (between the green chair and the dog's jail),
- giving the dogs cuddles,
- following directions (I will enjoy that one while it lasts!),
- going bye bye,
- birds of all sorts,
- cars (especially the ones he sees on the road from his car seat),
- pressing the button to open the garage door,
- books,
- balls,
- towers (building them and knocking them over),
- the blocks from his hammer and peg toy,
- music,
- the poster in the playroom,
- his fire hat and police hat,
- trying to feed himself,
- my silverware,
- the whisk and measuring cup,
- pots & pans & lids,
- pressing the buttons on the dishwasher,
- other kids' water cups,
- the toilet roll holder,
- his 5 o'clock mini cow's milk bottle (This is something new that I am loving--allows him to last 'til dinner and gets him drinking milk because he wasn't drinking much out of a glass. Plus Jeremy put him to bed the other night with a bottle and he didn't even bat an eye. I give him one most days now. I never planned to introduce a bottle, especially at this late stage, but...),
- trying to sneak the scissors out of "mama's drawer",
- glass bottles (beer, hot sauce, juice, dessert sauce,...),
- carrying things around that have handles (like baskets and this pink flower pot tin),
- sticking his fingers in my ears, eyes, nose, and belly button,
- photos (I occasionally print photos out for him and he carries them around for ages.),
- Billy the Big Mouth Bass,
- brushing his teeth, and
- not getting his nappy changed.
Labels: Quincy
that's great. j's glasses make him look suave and yours make him look like a super-nerd. i love it!
i am so sorry that Jeremy now has to share the billy the big bass now. how is he dealing with that?
Cute pictures!!! && Lots of obbssessions!! lymymi!! ~ isabel
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