Monday, June 23, 2008

the dentist. round one.

Seems like I have a lot to say about teeth lately!

Round one of the dentist is over, not paid for, but at least the drilling has stopped. The novicaine is wearing off and my teeth hurt like crazy. The following is a reminder to myself, in case I'm too tired to floss at night, or I convince myself that just one Coke a day isn't so bad, or I can't control my sweet tooth. This is not meant to cause dental phobia, however, because going for visits regularly of course prevents decay.

I hate the dentist. What do I hate most? Could it be...
  • the dread?
  • the walk down the corridor into the office, knowing what awaits?
  • those super painful very slow jabs into your gums and cheek?
  • the weird numbing sensation?
  • the awful sound of the drill?
  • the scraping?
  • the feeling that you have to swallow but having too much equipment in your mouth to do so?
  • the burning smell of the drill after it's been going for far too long?
  • all the hands in your mouth?
  • never knowing what's coming next?
  • the multitude of sharp, scary looking tools that cycle through your mouth?
  • when the drill comes back out to get your bite right?
  • being forced to hold your mouth open for so long?
  • the feeling like it's never going to end?
  • the feeling like you're an idiot because you have little control over your tongue and saliva as you try to rinse?
  • the news that the holes beneath the old fillings were so close to the nerves that I'll likely lose these two teeth and require root canals?
  • the news that the one hole was so big that the gums had grown into the hole? (Did you even know that was possible? I didn't.)
  • the pain after the numbing wears off?
  • the knowledge that because the fillings were so deep, the pain will stick around for a couple of days?
  • the hunger and the well-stocked fridge combined with a jaw that can't even entertain the thought of chewing?
  • the awareness that you have to go back and do it all over again in a week and two days?
  • the estimated $750 bill? (For both rounds + last week's x-rays.)

brush your teeth

Luckily Quincy just woke up happy from a three-hour nap giving me ample time to lie here and feel sorry for myself.



Blogger Penny said...

Oh man. My sympathies. I can totally relate.

I just had a root canal... kissed goodbye to $1700.00 just like that.

Mon Jun 23, 09:51:00 pm NZST  

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