Tuesday, March 21, 2006

another trip to the vet

All in all, these guys are pretty healthy. All our vet visits seem to stem from irresponsibility on our (read "my") part or an insatiable Beagle hunger. Eating a week's worth of rubbish. Sneaking some yummy ant bait. Tasting a bit of decaying possum. Inhaling a rotten chicken bone off the footpath. These all ended in trips to the vet and lots of vomitting.


And how could I forget that warm December morning when Kai was in season the first (and only) time?

Today is different though. There is no negligence involved. Kai seems to have an eye infection. She is constantly winking. If it weren't so pitiful, it would be pretty cute. Last night she was on the couch with me as we watched Grey's Anatomy and she just couldn't settle down. She kept rubbing her face. She sat up pawing at my hand (read "begging for pets") but she looked like she was sound asleep. She couldn't open her left eye. When we went off to bed, she tripped up the steps. A bit off balance. She couldn't look up at the light either.

So we're off to the vet in an hour.


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