Friday, May 25, 2007


Quincy Josef.

Quincy (2 days old) 1

He's healthy, content, and we are in love.

Quincy (2 days old) 2

(Dr. M's no-fail swaddle method)

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

sweet anticipation

the dreams
the worries
the nausea
the cravings
the plans
the purchases
the movements
the pampering
the doctor's visits
the food restrictions
the cleaning & organizing
the questions
the aches & pains
the vitamins
the stress
the expenses
the guesses
the fantasies
the breathlessness
the blood tests
the preparations
the sleepless nights
the nesting
the trips to the bathroom
the hopes


the sweet anticipation.

it looks like today's the big day...


Friday, May 18, 2007

i love our neighborhood

People stop by for coffee. A couple of neighbors have offered to bring me to the hospital if Jeremy is at work. There is a retired midwife down the street who has offered her services in an emergency. One woman told me I can call her anytime, day or night, if I need anything. One has offered to run errands for me after the bub arrives. Several have offered to babysit. And today I got a phone call from a woman up the road who I often see while walking the dogs. She hadn't seen me for a while and wanted to make sure I was okay and to check if I needed anything.

It's a real throw back.

Oh and last night when Jeremy picked up fish 'n chips, the "fish 'n chips lady" asked him when the baby was coming. Honestly we don't eat fish 'n chips all the time or anything. It's just a seriously small community.

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Sunday, May 13, 2007


I have been very fortunate to have so many mothers in my family to observe, learn from, respect, and admire over the years. Now it's my turn. I finally get to join the Club of Mothers.


I certainly have big shoes to fill. I only hope I have learned enough to follow in their footsteps. Sure I will do things my own way and make my own decisions and mistakes, but I am blessed to have such good role models in the motherhood department.

Yes, I have been a dog mama for nearly five years, and this is a role I treasure and take seriously. It too requires patience, hard work, guidance, love, and lots of shuttling around. But I am a nurturer by nature and am so looking forward to adding human mama to one of my many cherished roles in life.

Mom & Kai @ 31 Weeks Mom & Berkley @ 31 Weeks

Happy Mother's Day.

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

my generation...borrowed by seniors

Love this video by the Zimmers, a group of British pensioners. They aim to raise awareness of issues for those who are advanced in years (and wisdom). It's gotten close to 1.5 million hits on You Tube already!


Monday, May 07, 2007

2 weeks to go

I can hardly believe it. Along the way it crept along, but looking back, it screamed past.

From a few weeks ago, the belly at 35 weeks...

35 weeks (1)

35 weeks (8) 35 weeks (4)

Of course I can't wait to meet the little one. To lay my eyes on him/her for the first time. To hold him/her in my arms. But I also can't wait 'til putting on my socks and shoes isn't a big production and hoisting myself out of bed doesn't require advanced planning (and a grunt)!

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