Sunday, June 22, 2008

yes, he's teething

& you should see the bite marks on his crib that prove it!

Teething Mosaic

He has been teething for the last few weeks. And apart from the constant drool since last July, this is the first time it has really been noticeable. Mostly in the sleep department. At least that's largely to what I am attributing his current annoying sleep patterns. He has been waking up from some of his afternoon naps in such a pitiful state and for the last four nights he has been waking frequently at night. He hasn't done that since he started sleeping through the night two months ago and now that I've had a taste of the good life, I seriously want the wakefulness to stop. I have been having a hard time falling back to sleep once he stops crying and that never used to happen. He's also fighting his morning nap. He has only fallen asleep once during it for an entire week, but he does at least stay in his crib for about an hour. Also he has cut his afternoon sleep to about an hour and a half. Frustrating. I know it is common for sleep patterns to change, especially when they turn one, and I know I've had it pretty good up until now, but still!

Anyway, he now has three teeth on the top and three on the bottom. Strange, I know. And they're assymetrical too. The fourth ones are swollen and should hopefully be popping through soon. I'm also wondering what's going on with his first molars because he is chewing on his fingers and digging back there big time. Maybe they're just moving around.



Blogger Penny said...

Poor baby! :( Ice blocks?

Mon Jun 23, 11:14:00 am NZST  
Anonymous Wilton Winrow said...

Well... "no pain, no gain" I guess. I feel sad for him, since having your sleep disrupted is not a good thing. But then again, it will probably stop soon enough.

Wed Aug 17, 03:11:00 am NZST  

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