warning: long, boring post{gestern}- quincy was teething. his top gums on both sides of his two front teeth feel swollen.
- jeremy works especially late on tuesdays, so q and i had a long day.
- he was at times his normal happy self but at other times he was unusually whiny and clingy. quincy not jeremy.
- we had to cancel lunch at wholly bagel with our antenatal group because quincy has been unwell.
- when i asked him if he wanted to read books, he went to the basket of books and pulled one out. proud mama moment.
- he only took a couple cat naps--hopefully due to being sick and not a new routine he is forcing upon me.
- after cleaning out my supplies over the weekend, i was itching to scrapbook, but due to the aforementioned short naps, that wasn't so easy. i had him in my scraproom with me but he was getting into everything. emptying the rubbish, throwing all my paint into the rubbish, shaking cans of poisonous adhesive, pulling things off my desk, ... i think it's safe to say one of us had a blast.

- while he was assisting me in my scraproom, i asked him to get his monkey and he crawled over to his basket of toys and pulled out the monkey! i thought it might be a fluke, so i asked him to get his fish. and he did! he was very proud of himself as i sat clapping like a lunatic.

- i managed to get one layout finished.
- he said "but" for button. he loves all words that begin with b.
- his large fuzzi bunz arrived.
- he is starting to let go and briefly pausing before squatting down to crawl.
- after losing his appetite for a few days, he ate a huge dinner and green jello for dessert.
- q and i laughed a lot during dessert. he is so quick to laugh when he is overtired and a silly jello slurping sound i made just put him over the edge!
- i ate brussel sprouts for the very first time (and was fine until gagging on the last one. now i understand why they are such a hated veggie.)
- quincy ate brussel sprouts for the first time and loved them. good boy. the boy will eat anything, provided it's lumpy. and he's not sick.
- under much protest and diress, i made jeremy eat his brussel sprouts. although he said they were the best ones he'd ever had, that is definitely not saying much. only afterwards did i admit to gagging on mine and vowing that i'd only make them for q in the future.
{heute}- quincy is teething. i spotted some bite marks on his crib.
- the sky is blue, it's warm (for autumn), it's relatively still, and i have lots of windows open.
- quincy had a hard time settling for his morning nap and then only slept for just over an hour. in my book, a proper nap is two plus hours.
- i've already gotten an acceptable amount of chores done for the day.
- a b-day package for q-bert arrived this morning from my parents :)
- i am having flashbacks to high school courtesy of said package. (i know it was addressed to quincy but there is some junk food in there that is surely meant for j and i!)

- i now feel a bit ill!
- q made his silly face many times for my enjoyment.

- he discovered that he could poke around in my nose while nursing. again quincy not jeremy.
- we took a good long walk by the sea after lunch. and then hit the swings.
- afternoon nap: again an unacceptable hour and a quarter.
- q is starting to build towers, well adding one or two things to mine, and no longer living to knock them down.
- i spotted a few short free stands.
- we did not have brussel sprouts for dinner. instead calzones using up leftover lamb roast from sunday, courtesy of j.
- q was extremely happy going to bed with his cuddle lion. he was patting it and giving it cuddles. he certainly missed it while it was in the laundry. (maybe an answer to the short naps?? we shall see tomorrow.)
- jeremy installed a stair gate in our awkward (and plentiful) stairwells. we got one to try out and thankfully it worked, so i need to order three more. what a relief it will be once they are all installed.
- after a late dinner i am hoping to get a page done before going to bed reasonably early, but it's already 9...
{morgen} i find it interesting that in german, the words for tomorrow and morning are the same.- quincy will surely still be teething. (how can he only have 4 teeth?!)
- we have mainly music in the morning.
- we need to get a few things from the grocery... milk, butter, flour, eggs, baby laundry detergent, chocolate chips. (kt, i found your heath bar recipe while cleaning my office this weekend so i am itchin' to make 'em. yum. salty sweetness.)
- q will take proper naps. think positive.
- more scrapping will be in the cards. again keep thinking positive.
- work on photo organizing.
- i need to make an appointment to get q's us citizenship while the consular officer is in town next week.
- good (bad) tv night... survivor and trading spouses.
- leftover spag & meatballs with green beans for dinner.
{ubermorgen} i love that in german there is a word for the-day-after-tomorrow. so handy.
- maybe the teeth will have popped through. yeah right.
- maybe pop-in-n-play in the morning. we'll see how we go.
- maybe some longer free stands.
- normal everyday q-stuff.
- clean and do laundry.
- see about doing a few b-day preparations for a certain someone.
- go for a walk.
- organize more photos.
- fish & chips for dinner.
Labels: daily life, Quincy, scrapbooking, us