Tuesday, October 03, 2006

how quickly life can change

A week ago my family experienced a terrible tragedy. My sister's husband fell off the roof of his house, suffered a serious brain injury as well as many broken bones, and is in a coma.

He and my sister have a six-week-old baby girl. They also have 11-, 9-, and 2-year-old boys. Six years ago they already learned all of life's hard lessons... that life isn't fair, that life often doesn't make sense, that terrible things happen to good people, that one thing can change life forever, that we aren't always in control, and that, no, even though people love to say it, things aren't always "meant to be" & "for the best". They already knew all that stuff. Too well.

He is one of the most proud and involved fathers I know. He is also very strong, mentally and physically. And he is lean, muscular, fit, fearless, and seriously fiesty. He doesn't give up. I know that's going to count for so much in the recovery process.

I guess I am asking you to keep my sister and her family in your thoughts and prayers and also that you make a conscious decision to treasure your loved ones every day.

ETA: We really appreciate all your comments and prayers.

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