Friday, February 27, 2009

a parcel, $1.20, and a 10-trip ferry ticket

Apparently that's what our peace-of-mind and sense of safety in our own home was worth to the burglars. They went through all our bedroom drawers, found all my hidden jewelry, searched through two safes, dealt with two pestering, noisy dogs, and went through the pantry to find dog biscuits. That's a heck of a lot of effort for a parcel, $1.20, and a ten-trip ferry ticket.

We were extremely lucky. I still have all my photos. We didn't lose any heirlooms. It is just so so odd and has warranted many laughs. Still I feel no less violated or uneasy. And I still drive myself crazy trying to figure out their motivation.

Margaret and Jon, you must let me know if you ever receive a parcel filled with Squiggles, Twisties, Scorched Almonds, Marshmallow Santas, Exploding Elves, and a necklace. Their behavior was so odd in our home, that it really wouldn't surprise me!


technology for three

This is our current set up. Jeremy now has a computer in the kitchen. That has allowed him to be in the thick of things more. I either use my laptop at the kitchen table, in my office, or in bed. And Quincy, well, he has to be just like Papa with his wireless keyboard and mouse.

technology for three

Downside is that sometimes our kitchen table is overrun with technology (clearly I took the above photo on an unusually clean day) and occasionally I have to bust Jeremy's chops for working during dinner. Yes, you read that right, during dinner. Honestly, no jury would convict me.

And here we have the twins...


I just thought they looked cute, side-by-side, so I snapped a shot of their backs. But this was their identical response to hearing the camera shutter. So scary!

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

banana envy

I think it's safe to say that these three littlies had one thing and one thing only on their minds at 11:46am today.

banana envy

These are the two girls that live down the street. We get together to play two or three times a month, and it's always good fun (as opposed to bad fun, of course--such a peculiar Kiwi term).

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Is this a look of desperation or what?


Going, whether it's bye bye, outside, downstairs, or to bed, initiates a big frenzy for what to "bring". He wants to bring everything. Usually he runs around enthusiastically grabbing his favorite little things in the hopes I will accept them to carry on his behalf. Sometimes he gathers his chosen items into a receptacle of some sort. He also points to various large items, even the safe once, and looks at me pleadingly. He will now pick up his big yellow digger and before I can say anything, he says in a rather defeatest tone, "too big". You gotta love his passion. It is endearing but at the same time slightly annoying.

Oh did you notice his eye? He got so excited when he saw the sea, ran down a steep stony hill, and went smack into a rather large piece of driftwood. If you ask him what's on his eye, 95% of the time he responds "big shiner". The other 5% he forgets and says "the sandman".


YouTube and the addict I have created.

Other than to watch the odd link someone sends me, I've never really been on You Tube before. I certainly don't need any other aids in procrastination.

Well I don't know what possessed me, but yesterday morning I had what I thought was a great idea. I went to YouTube and typed "pukeko" in the hopes of finding a television ad I knew Q would love. Well, I found it and I was right. He was mesmerized. One thing led to another, as it does, and he started throwing search items at me left, right, and center. What did he want to see? Digger, racing car, fire truck, motorcycle, school bus, peacock, bear, elephant, dump truck, and tractor.

Digger YouTube Mosaic

So then this morning, what did Q ask for while I was getting breakfast sorted? Digger song. More pukeko. So back to You Tube we went. This time we did all his favorite searches and then we watched "Crazy Frog" about four times and again twice tonight when Jeremy came home. There were hysterics every time. (Apparantly "Crazy Frog" is edge-of-your-seat funny.)

Crazy Frog YouTube Mosaic

And so began his new obsession. One that his no TV mama will most definitely be monitoring very closely!

  1. As evidenced above, Q clearly has the potential to become a television zombie! And although we don't have a blanket "no TV rule", he does watch an episode of Curious George or a storybook video every once in a while, we decided to limit TV. Luckily it just never really comes up because the TV is in the basement and is only on sometimes after he's in bed. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy vegging out in front of the TV. I really do. Which is precisely why I have virtually eliminated it for myself over the last year. The TV is no longer part of our daily life, and that's exactly how I like it. Huh, that was a long qualification!
  2. Also, he really thinks he's controlling it all with his play keyboard :)


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

dishy washy

As I've mentioned before, Quincy loves helping us wash dishes. He'll play with containers, spoons, and measuring cups in the water for as long as I'll let him. After every meal he asks hopefully, "dishy washy?" Usually the answer is no because I'm not a very good housekeeper, but his wish is granted probably every other day.

I guess today he got bored with washing dishes and decided it might be a good opportunity to wash his hair.

washing dishes, or something like it

wet hair

Then the phone rang, and I was distracted for less than a minute. This is what I found when I turned around...


a new way to wash dishes


Saturday, February 21, 2009

first pair of running shoes

And, no, I'm not talking about Quincy. For as long as I've known Jeremy, and that's been many many years, 12.5 to be exact, he has never owned a pair of running shoes. Hiking boots and shoes, yes. Countless pairs of trendy brown casual shoes, yes. But not a single pair of gym shoes. Until today.

running shoes!!

Jeremy joined a local exercise group a while back and I am so proud of him. However, he's been getting a lot of grief for wearing his worn out Merrills to run. This week he'll be sportin' some new (bloody expensive) sneaks.

(Note: I think the sales assistant was very confused when I tried unsuccessfully to discreetly snap this picture. And is it just me, or is he about ten? Are the child labor laws not enforced here?!)


Thursday, February 19, 2009


This photo has had 92,949 views on Flickr.

Good Dogs Wearing Tees

That's insane. The dogs would be so embarassed.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

love you my boy. you rock.

love you my boy. you rock.

Conversation new weapon of choice.

seeing hearts

And clearly my subject couldn't be happier.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

happy valentine's day

Happy Valentine's Day

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Friday, February 13, 2009

the best day of their lives? possibly.

During the burglary, the dogs were fed a two-month supply of dog treats. Jeremy thinks it was the best day of their lives.


Possibly. But according to a neighbour two doors down who heard them barking (and also brought me flowers today), it was most definitely not like anything she's heard from them before. Crazy sounding. She didn't even think it was them at the time. Plus Kai especially has been on high alert all week. So they ate because they are Beagles, but I don't think they enjoyed it one bit.

Now for a little CSI... After looking at her Warehouse receipt, the neighbour knows she heard the symphony of growls shortly after 1. My library receipt is marked 1:09. I opened the garage door 4-5 minutes later. So now I know for a fact that the reason they turned on the oven fan was to drown out their footsteps as they left out the back. Which to me points toward experienced and quick-thinking thieves. I am obviously so thankful I had to get out of the car to move the recycling bin before driving into the garage. And also that Q dawdled, us usual.

This home invasion ranks right up there in the peculiarity department. It has been driving me crazy trying to piece it together and get inside their heads (or his/her head). I will leave you guessing for a bit as to what three things they stole... I think I could confidently offer a million dollar prize to anyone who got it right!

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fear and patience

reading at the crack of dawn

The best part of the day was when I brought Q into bed with me just after seven and we read "yots and yots of yiberry books". It was calm and peaceful. And cozy.

But then as the day progressed I got more and more jumpy. I was literally scared of my own shadow. Everytime I turned toward a glass door, I expected someone to be there. The dogs were feeding off my energy and reacting to every noise outside and that would then make me more nervous. Instead of telling the dogs "quiet" like I used to, I opened the door and sent them out to bark their hearts out and then welcomed them back with resounding "good dogs."

And as my anxiety levels rose, my patience seemed to vanish. I tried to keep my cool as Q poured a bowl of unbeaten eggs onto the counter while he "helped" me bake. I tried to keep my cool as he splashed water out of the sink while he "helped" me wash dishes. I tried to keep my cool while he repeatedly took his road apart and brought me pieces to fix. I tried to keep my cool as we made Jeremy a Valentine's Day card and he accidently knocked the pail of crayons on the floor.

And all along, I kept looking over my shoulder.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009


After six-and-a-half years of living with dogs, we had our first run in with fleas today. Yuk. Admittedly it's my fault. I had gotten a bit lax with flea and worm treatment lately. After a trip to the pet store, treating and combing the dogs, countless loads of laundry, sprinkling baking soda and salt on the carpets, and vaccuming until our very old vaccum could no longer cope, it seems to only be a mild case. If there is such a thing. I only saw two live fleas on Kai but both dogs had flea dander on them. Still, why this week?

This is what a desperate, pleading, and pitiful flea-infested Beagle looks like...

pleading Beagle with fleas

Not a chance, boy.

(Note: When I saw him like this, I told him to wait and ran upstairs and across the house to grab my camera. I cracked up when I returned because I don't even think he blinked while I was away. Good boy, but still, not a chance.)

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

oh crap

oh crap.


Monday, February 09, 2009

often the day doesn't turn out like you expected

This was going to be my Project365 photo today. It was going to be a low key day...catch up on some chores, run a couple errands, and then I was even planning to take a nap while Q did (a luxury I am often tempted by but almost never indulge in).

helping with the dishes

But then we were robbed.

police car

We are very lucky. We think either the dogs just wouldn't stop barking or they heard me open the garage door. They left what looks like an unfinished job, but we aren't able to do a proper inventory until after the fingerprint people come in the morning. I just hope they don't come back. My head is spinning with it all. I dread the next time I have to come back home, just Q and I. Seriously dread it.

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Sunday, February 08, 2009


Making the waffles is a bit tricky.

making the waffles

Waiting for the waffles is seriously hard.

waiting for waffles mosaic

But eating the waffles is a cinch.

eating the waffles

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Friday, February 06, 2009

love is in the air

Two days of creating and going to bed late and not doing any chores...








Notice all the hearts? And can you tell I did the two virtually identical grey layouts with stars one after the other?

(The Staglands one is a template and almost all supplies from Designer Digitals.)

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